- The dates, venue and accomodation.
- Transfer to venue of the project.
- Weather.
- What to bring?
- How intercultural evening will look like?
- What is mini-project?
- I have questions! Who I should contact with?
Date of the project is 12-19.07.2011. The venue is Purda near Olsztyn in pension ‘Warmiak’. There is big building, which will hold 20 person. All place will be for your disposal, including a dining-room downstairs. There is also billard pool there. There will be Wi-Fi Internet connection in the area, so if you have laptops you may bring them with you. Also, you will have access to kettle and fridge.
You will be living in two- and three-person rooms. There are 4 three-person and 6 two-person rooms. 4 rooms have their own bathrooms, for the rest there is one bathroom for two rooms. We will try to put you together among nationalities, if possible.
There are 3 meals daily: breakfast, lunch and dinner. Also, there would be two coffee breaks with drinks and some sweets.
We will obtain insurance for you.
We hired bus for you. The bus will be in Warsaw about 20 o'clock. It will go to Warsaw Airport and wait there for Turkish group, who is scheduled to land in Warsaw at 20:20. After picking them up, the bus will go to Warsaw Railway Station (Warszawa Centralna) and it will be there about 21:00. We should meet near information desk on the Station. Then, all of you will go by bus straight to Purda. The trip will take about 3 hours.
In the bus, there will be two Polish participants, who you should meet and call if something changes. Here are their names and telephone numbers (change O to 0):
Ania: +48 662 O38 363
Asia: +48 5O6 5OO 788
Call or SMS them, if you will be late, can't find meeting point etc. Upon contact, don't forget to say/write from what country are you.
In Poland, July is a mid of Summer. So, you should expect two things: hot and rain. In Poland, during Summer, temperatures can reach about 30°C, but it can be also as low as 18°C (i.e. today is about this temperature). Also, there are often heavy rains, which may lasts for hours (now it's raining/drizzling for three days). It means you should take both clothes for warm weather as well as one-two pairs of clothes for lower temperature. Waterproof jacket and/or umbrella is a must! Also, it's good to have a pair of shoes to change in case your first pair get soaked. We are hoping for very nice weather but you should be prepared also for worse option.
Among many important things such as: good mood, openness, eagerness to work and meeting new people and so on, you should also take some 'physical' things:
- national food and drinks you are proud of and you want to share during intercultural evening;
- some elements of your culture (clothes, symbols etc.);
- short (really short) presentation of your organization and/or country;
- some national music (also with karaoke option, although I'm not an expert in handling it);
- some handout, posters and other publications from your organization;
- musical instruments, if you want to use them (we will provide one guitar but if you want to take another one - feel free).
It depends highly on you, how the intercultural evening will look like. Our intention is to give you space to start the discourse about your cultures. Each group will be given place, where it can present brought food and drinks, leaflets etc. You will have about 5-7 minutes to say about what did you bring and maybe present some really short presentation. After about 30-40 minutes the 'official part' is over and you will be free to socialize, talk, play billard, go for a walk, make campfire etc.
If you will bring other materials, there will be one free evening, which you can use as you want (i.e. to teach each other their national dances, play national games etc.). Also - presentations and other multimedia materials may be places on this website.
The idea of mini-project is quite simple. During the training-course you will gain some knowledge and abilities, which will be useful in your personal life as well as in work. The aim of mini-project is to plan, how you could introduce new abilities. It may be something very small - like changing one of your habits, but also quite big - like conducting the workshop on motivation. You will have whole day to plan it, so don't be nervous. Just be aware, that mini-project is intended to help you apply new skills in practice.
It's the best to contact with me - Przemek. My e-mail: przemyslaw.figiel@fine.org.pl. My tel. number: +48 662 499 509.
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